I created my personal notes about the new scrum guide for a while, as the guide is out since 2020 November. I decided to summarize/outline in an article only now. However it was written in early 2021.Continue reading Outline of Scrum Guide 2020
Month: December 2021
Correlation Identifier: Ensuring Traceability in Distributed Systems
Correlation identifier of requests-responses is an essential feature of microservice platforms for monitoring, reporting, debugging and diagnostics.
Allows tracing a single request inside the application flow, when it can often be dealt with by multiple downstream services.
Problem statement
The most trending direction in software development is distributing processing and systems. In software architectual system designs there are multiple service layouts: single monolithic systems, SOA distribution, and nowadays microservice level grouping of services, applications.
In case of multiple services, we should consider, even multiple running entities from one specific service.
In case of looking into the logs, we could have a harder time to track down the chain of calls and locate the specific instances, which was hit by the request, through serving a user request.
Continue reading Correlation Identifier: Ensuring Traceability in Distributed Systems