Multilevel-KeySearch – Solution for Complex Data Lookup Strategies

Why? What’s this all about?

This is a library to handle (store-search) multi level key attributes.
The implementation was driven by the need of

  • handle multiple level keys
  • flexible search
  • ranking/ordering

on the matches .

Lets consider data with multiple levels: category / subcategory / group / item levels for example.
If you want to find specific let’s say: subcategory, that’s an easy task. You can filter/map and you get it. But what if you have multiple attribute to match, multiple key lengths? How will you sort them? This task can be achieved, but requires more and more code and you lose fluency.

Continue reading Multilevel-KeySearch – Solution for Complex Data Lookup Strategies

Class-Method Caching: Boosting Performance in Java

When you have the need of caching that’s a quite common topic, you can find many out-of-the-box solutions.

But what if if you want to cache whole class, with all the methods, maybe across your whole application?
My solution based on a proxy class and this way applies cache on all method invocations. The cache configuration of course can be defined, but the basics can be seen in the example below:

Continue reading Class-Method Caching: Boosting Performance in Java